CSR Banner Tangerang
CSR Tangerang

CSR Tangerang
CSR IK Tangerang
CSR IK Tangerang
As a form of its social role, Indah Kiat Tangerang conducts Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program. IKPP's Corporate Social Responsibility occupies seven holistic aspects, which are: organizational governance, human rights, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer's issues, and community involvement and development.This CSR program is carefully managed and finally obtained ISO 26000 certification.
The main targets of CSR activities are those who live near by IKPP factory, as the corporate social and environmental partners. Some of regular CSR activities are fogging that is done once in three months. Besides, there's also Additional Food Donations Program to several health care units near by the factory in order to escalate the toddlers' health quality.
Other activities that are accommodated by CSR activities are Employee's Spiritual Trip, Employee's Sport Events, Training Hall for near by community, and so many other social activities for the community.
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More CSR Stories
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Memperingati Hari Pahlawan Yayasan Bangsa Suci Indonesia (Bangsasuci) bersama PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper (IKPP) Tangerang
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IKPP Tangerang menyelenggarakan Operasi Minyak Goreng Murah
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