Sustainability Serang
Sustainability Serang

The Serang Mill has built its power supply in 1990 which is popularly known as Co-generation, with an electrical power capacity of 175 MW/hour (MegaWatt per hour) and steam capacity of 960 Tons/hours. In early 2010, Powerplant started to build boiler Chain Grate 2x50 Ton/hour and 150 KV substation. This substation is built to support interconnection for backing up the power supply, so the Paper Mill keeps running every day without any chance of being stopped.
LAGOON (Water Reserve) & MINI FOREST
LAGOON (Water Reserve) & MINI FOREST

By having 80 ha Lagoon Area. Indah Kiat Serang ensure steady production and sustainability. Other than consistently adhering to environmentally friendly operations, Indah Kiat Serang Mill is commited to continually improve its environmental performance and global warming prevention through an extensive tree planting program for the Mill and its vicinity.
Waste Water Treatment
Waste Water Treatment

The Serang Mill has Three Waste Water Treatment (WWT) plants to treat waste water from production process. In 2008, we built newest WWT 3 that implements biological treatment that combines anaerobic and aerobic process. This anaerobic process produces methane (CH4) that can be used as energy to generate steam from boiler. WWT I Capacity 18.000 m3/day, WWT II Capacity 46.000 m3/day and WWT III Capacity 20.000 m3/day
Solid Waste Treatment
Solid Waste Treatment

The Serang Mill also has two Incinerators to process solid waste materials generated by Paper Recycling Process. Solid Waste Treatment capacity 125 BDT/day.