Sustainability Tangerang
Sustainability Tangerang

IKPP Tangerang's consistent handling of the industrial waste obtained a good result. IKPP Tangerang applies the concept of clean production mechanism into operation and implementing Environmental Management System (EMS).
IKPP Tangerang has succeeded in applying the EMS, that in September 1996 it favorably received ISO 14001 certificate. It also received the Swiss Certification from SGS Yarsley International Certification Services Ltd.
In June 1997, IKPP Tangerang has received an award of recognition from the country's Bapedal - National Environmental Impact Agency. The award known as Proper Prokasih award, underscores IKPP Tangerang's success in maintaining the green rating for three successive years.
In spite of all this efforts, IKPP Tangerang continues to search for newer and better technology to realize an environmental friendly mill surrounded by blue sky, clean water, and the unspoiled beauty of nature.
Sustainability Forest Management
Sustainability Forest Management
The Integrated Sustainable Forest Management Plan (ISFMP) is one of our key initiatives that help realize our Forest Conservation Policy commitments. The ISFMP was developed through a long collaborative process that involved compiling and consolidating data as well as recommendations gathered through various assessments such as High Conservation Value (HCV), High Carbon Stock (HCS), Social Conflict Mapping, the legal requirements and obligations, as well as input from all relevant stakeholders including local communities, government, academia, and civil societies. Each Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas supplier must produce an ISFMP to ensure that our FCP commitments have been considered and adhered to.
Each integrated plan will form the blueprint for the sustainable management of our land resources in each of our supplier concessions. The ISFMPs equip each supplier with action plans for improving sustainability and management practices.
Each ISFMP comprises several essential elements. It sets long-term forest management goals for each Forest Management Unit (FMU), which take into account environmental and socio-economic pre-conditions, and the status of land rights. It also provides an action plan to help the FMU address all aspects of forest conservation and management: silviculture, harvesting, environmental management, and identification and protection of rare and endangered species of fauna and flora. Finally, the ISFMP will provide updated maps of the concession that identify protected areas, location of forest management activities and land rights status in all of our supplier concessions.
More about Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas Integrated Sustainable Management Plan can be found at Sustainability Dashboard.
Industrial Waste Management
Industrial Waste Management
IKPP Tangerang continuously managing the industrial waste in order to achieve the environment sustainability. The management procedure for liquid waste is highly supervised on the recent standard. IKPP Tangerang also improvises the standard of waste management through various waste reduction programs. There are several efforts that have been done as follow:
By doing such improvements, there are several positive achievements we've got such as:
ناشر الأصول
Mangrove Planting Activities Across Indonesia Initiated by TNI: Multisectoral Collaboration for Mangrove Rehabilitation as a Climate Change Mitigation
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APP’s Young Innovators reach Top 6 at the SDGI Young Professionals Program
In a world grappling with pressing issues such as climate change and waste pollution, four innovators emerged from the heart of APP Sinar Mas’ PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk - Serang Mill (IK Serang). Dina Ferydsa Verdiana, Andre Aldrin, Sjamsul Rijal, and Agustinus Rheza had their unique expertise, but shared a common vision - to combat the ever-growing menace of waste and its detrimental impact on our environment.
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinarmas & Charta Global to Showcase its Plastic Free, Sustainable Food Packaging Solutions at the Natural Products West Expo
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas & Charta Global to Showcase its Plastic Free, Sustainable Food Packaging Solutions at the Natural Products West Expo
Recyclable, Plastic & PFAS Free, Retail Ready Hot and Cold Sustainable Cups Available at the Specialty Coffee Exhibition by Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas & Charta Global
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PT. Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (IKPP) mendapatkan penghargaan tertinggi, Penghargaan Industri Hijau Level 5.
2 unit APP Sinar Mas, PT. OKI Pulp & Paper Mills (OKI Pulp & Paper) dan PT. Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (IKPP) mendapatkan penghargaan tertinggi, Penghargaan Industri Hijau Level 5.
IKPP dan perusahaan APP Sinar Mas lain terus membantu menyalurkan oksigen gratis untuk yang mebutuhkan.
Melanjutkan program Respon COVID – 19 yang telah dilaksanakan sejak Agustus- September 2021, APP Sinar Mas
PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper (IKPP) Tbk Tangerang Mills meraih dua kali berturut-turut penghargaan dari Badan Pengawasan Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN).
PT IKPP Tanggerang raih penghargaan BAPETEN
PT Indah Kiat Serang increases production capacity for Biodegradable packaging
PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper launched a new coating machine located at the Indah Kiat Serang Factory, Banten.
APP Sinar Mas Sustainability

APP Sinar Mas Sustainability
Growing Our Tomorrow
Our vision is to produce efficient and innovative pulp and paper through responsible forestry practices.
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